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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-59

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ANNUAL REPORT 57 the corresponding period last year That the work of the School has continued with unabated energy and success is obvious from the satisfactory results of the Examination of the School by the University Board from the distinctions gained by the Boys trained at the School at the Universities aud elsewhere from the high character of the Candidates who present themselves for the vacant masterships and from the excellent reports received of the discipline and conduct of the boys From variety of causes there have been this year an unusual number of changes in tbe Staff The Rev Carte who as was noticed in the last Report had been obliged owing to serious illness to request leave of absence for two Terms has found it necessary to resign altogether Mr Judd died of rapid consumption in the Easter Term of 1876 and closed period of service which though short proved him to have been an acquisition to the Staff Mr Schneider who had for many years been the Second German Master aud for some time past had been failing in health has also passed away The Rev Sparling who had been Senior Mathe- matical Master of the School since the year 1871 has been appointed to the Cathedral School Gloucester The Rev Cerisier who had been for short time Junior French Master found himself compelled to resign owing to failing health and to return to France In consequence of these changes the following gentlemen have been elected to Masterships in the Middle and Lower Schools Mr Ellis of Trinity College Cambridge Mr Speed of St John's College Cambridge Mr Thomas of University College Oxford Mr Taylor of the University of London Mr Robinson of Jesus College Cambridge Gaborit has been appointed Junior French Master and Herr Teutschel Junior German Master
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