Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 580
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Page content
578 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Sketch very briefly the plan of the Paradise Lost What poets and what forms of poetry had risen into estimation at the date when the Paradise Lost" appeared XIII -ffinalfc SHstorp 1603-1689 What were impositions tonnage and poundage and ship- money Give an account of the resistance to their payment What took place in the first and second Parliaments of Charles Give sketch of Scottish affairs from the riot in dinburgh in 637 to the meeting of the Long Parliament What was the political condition of England when Milton Comus Lycidas Areopagitica and Samson Agonistes were re- spectively wriiten Trace any reference in those works to politics or the state of society Give an account of the relations between Oliver Cromwell and his two Parliaments What measures were taken at the Restoration to secure the Church against dissent Write life of Lord Shaftesbury What were the principal results of the Revolution of 1688 XIV -dFrrnci Language anU Literature Quels sont les animaux qui ont une bouche en franpais Quels sont ceux qui ont une gueuh Nommez quelques animaux qui ont un pied et quelque autres qui ont une patte Donnez le diminutif de chacun des mots suivants ceuvr -livre-chanson-histoire-partie-rue-tour-arbre-cave- mont-solive-ver Donnez aussi les expressions injurieuses formies des moti Miivants race-valet-papier-peuple-mere-lourd δ Expliquez historiquement le terme pied-plat qui se rencontre assez sotivent dans MoliSre notamment dans le Misanthrope ן
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