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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-58

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56 annual report aud Μι William Rose former distinguished Student of the College has been appointed as third Assistant Surgeon The office of Pathological Registrar rendered vacant by the resignation of Dr Urban Pritchard on his electio as Aural Surgeon has been conferred upon Mr Boyce Barrow who has already done good service to the Hospital as Sambrooke Registrar The great change however in this Department has been caused by the lamented death of Professor Sir Fergusson Bart who for thirty years held the Professorship of Surgery for seven years the Professorship of Clinical Surgery aud for thirty-seven years the post of Surgeon to tbe Hos- ital The Council have already expressed by formal Resolution their deep sense of the great loss which the College and Hospital have sustained by the removal of one who has not only been recognised publicly as the greatest practical Surgeon of the day unrivalled in skill enter- prise and devotion to his profession but who has commanded at all times the respect and affection of many generations of pupils including many Surgeons of the highest eminence and who deserves especial and grateful commemoration as one of the original founders and chief ornaments of our Hospital They are still engaged in careful consideration of the best means to bo adopted for adequately supplying the vacancy caused by this great loss Έ -The work of the Evening Class Department calls for little remark Its numbers remain much as in past years about 520 Students and in spite of the opening of many Evening Classes elsewhere it still maintains the leading position which it has so long held The Gilbart Lectures on Banking noticed in the last Report have been delivered this year with still greater success -The School shows slight apparent decrease of numbers from 553 to 542 but since the books were made up 11 new Boys have been admitted so that the whole number now present is as nearly as possible the same as at
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