Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 570
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568 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE minimis temporum punctis aliis naseentibus aliis cadentibns An in individuis corpusculis tam praeclara opera nulla moderante natura nulla ratione fingentibus Qua2 sunt tantee animi angustisp ut 8i Seriphi naius esses nec umquam egressus ex insula in qua lepusculos vulpeculasque saepe vidisses non crederes leones et pantberas esse quum tibi quales essent diceretur si vero de elephanto quis diceret etiam rideri te putares Explain the subjunctives in this passage Quam molestum est uno digito plus habere Quid itaf quia nec specie nec usu alium quinque desiderant Quotus quisque formnsus est Give the meaning and derivation of adorea-ambitio- sus- structor-delator-captator-strigilis-proseucha sodes -grassator-sestertium-socors-deliro-sigillum-deorsus- coryphaeus-oscito-emolumentum Parse and give the English of alsit-refertam-obtusus -surpuerat Explain the following terms intermundia πρόνοια προΚηψι -στερεμνια-ειμαρμένη-ισονομία What do you know of Simonides-Ennius-Archilochus Pro'agoras-Democritus-Heraelitus-Euhemerus Give an account of the Epicurean theology How is it criticized in Cicero's treatise VII -Cranslatr into rrtfe Having performed what was due to his country Columbus was so little discouraged by the repulse which he had received that instead of relinquishing his undertaking he pursued it with fresh ardour He made his next overture to John II king of Portugal in whose dominions he had been long established and whom he considered on that account as having the second claim to his service Here every circumstance seemed to promise him more favourable reception He applied to monarch of an enter- prising genius no incompetent judge in naval affairs and proud of patronizing every attempt to discover new countries His subjects were the most experienced navigators in Europe and
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