Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 564
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562 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE The law is open and there are deputies Having shorn his head in Cenchrea for he had vow perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious Philippi which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia and colony "The deputy of the country '' 10 Give full account of the Jerusalem Council Shew the importance of the principles involved 11 Subject for essay "The conversion of St Paul as evidence for the truth of Christianity or found an altar with this inscription To the unknown God '" 12 Questions in the Greek viva voce III -dfor ftattn 33r05f The wise man will consider where and with whom he is to live and what he is to do it matters not to him how long life is provided that it is well spent Solon said that he could not pronounce any man happy before his death since he did not know what misfortunes might be still in store far him Had but served my God as have served my king lie would not thus have left me destitute in my old age II Varro the most learned of the Romans thought since nature is the same wherever we go that this single circumstance was sufficient to remove all objections to change of place taken by itself and stripped of the other inconveniences which attend exile Brutus thought it enough that those who go into banishment cannot be hindered from carrying their virtue along with them Now if any one judge that each of these comforts is in itself insufficient he must however confess that both of them joined together are able to remove the terrors of exile For what trifles must ail we leave behind us be esteemed in comparison with the
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