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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-56

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annual report Oxford 1st Class in Classics Fellow ο Milnkr Alfred New College Todd Georgb 1st Class in Mathematics Jupp Herbert Basil 2nd Class in Mathematics 'uller Kichard Laxgford let Class in Classics Moderations Cambridge Walters Frank Bridgman 9th Wrangler Milton Henry 10th Wrangler Arnold Frederick Sweet 1st Class in History Foundation Scholarship Trinity Pollock Charles Archibald before entrance Harper Charles Harris j£ERa Minor Scholarship St John Hart Thomas Dale Scholarship Downing Indian Civil Service Mounsey Charles Herbert Drew William Wilson -The Department of Applied Sciences has con- siderably increased from 70 to 90 besides Whitworth Exhibitioners who though not technically matriculated nevertheless receive their whole education at the College With view to the greater efficiency of this Department the Council have during the past year expended sum of 700 part of bequest to the College from their late lamented colleague Mr Cheere in enlarging aud improving the Workshop which now as they believe is superior to any to be found in any other Engineering School and leaves little to be desired in respect of convenience and efficiency Sir Joseph Whitworth has been so good as liberally to present to the College sum of 200 to be expended in tools for fitting up the Workshop with greater completeness The general work of the Department is going on most satisfactorily and it is evidently maintaining and advancing its reputation as one of the first Engineering Schools in the country -In the Medical Department the number of Matricu- lated Students during the past year has amounted to 128
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