Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 559
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FREAKE EXHIBITIONS 557 15 Find the value of sin in terms of sin How many 21 values does the formula give How are the signs determined 7Γ when is given Find the value of sin 16 piece of paper mile in length is rolled into solid cylinder find approximately its diameter supposing 240 leaves of such taper to have the thickness of an inch 17 How many sides and angles of triangle must be given if the others are to be found What is the ambiguous case Draw figure and show how the analytical solution exhibits the ambiguity Given 60 χ J'o is there ambiguity for any value of 18 Find the value of χ to places of decimals having given 2X -f log 30103 log 845098 19 Find the sum of η terms of the series "-1Γ Τ ΐ ta"2 11 "tll'1nJ 33 &C 20 If tan χ χ -if d$L Sic 12 8hew that -ian ----2 -1 -2 2η3 &c I4 IV EucIiU anil Conic Sections Trisect given finite straight line Define parallelogram and prove that its opposite sides and angles are equal Describe parallelogram equal to given triangle and having one of its angles equal to given angle Construct triangle having given the base one of the angles at the base and the sum of the sides
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