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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-55

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annual report 53 entry several of whom will probably join the Department in October next But it is possible that the public attention excited by the new arrangement may have reacted favour- ably upon the Department itself So far as judgment can as yet be formed the character and attainments of Students entering the Evening Classes are exceedingly satisfactory and the Council believe that the experiment is likely to be great success During the past year the University of Durham has granted to Students holding the Testamur of the Department the privilege of obtaining the degree of after keeping three terms Residence and passing the final Examination The Council have received the intelligence of the arrangement with great satisfaction and trust that many Students will be able to avail themselves of it There are now 597 Associates of this Department of whom 226 were placed in the First Class at their Final Examina- tion -The Council regret to see that the number of Students in the Department of General Literature and Science has again declined the average for the year being 41 This diminution of numbers which has gone on for many years is certainly not due to any want of ability and energy on the part of the Teachers or any falling off in the work of the Students which is most satisfactory Probably the class of Students who formerly filled the Department is provided for elsewhere especially as Public Schools now retain boys up to considerable age In this Department the partial retirement of Professor Brewer having left vacancy in the Chair of Modern History the Coudcu have had great pleasure in electing to that 1'rofessorship Mr Gardiner Lecturer in Modern History who has attained high reputation as Historian and done great service to the College as Lecturer for the last six years The following Honours have been gained during the past year
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