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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-545

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 543 VII -Sutlcrt analogj a1rt ftoofeer J3006 Give brief analysis of the Chapter on the "Moral Government of God so far as it dwells upon the present traces of that government By what means does society mainly deal with virtue and vice as such How does Butler shew the tentability of human nature as such and the nature of the discipline of temptation What are the various forms which the ×™×™ Opinion of Necessity has assumed State and criticise Butler's treat- ment of the question Explain exactly what is meant by speaking of the government of the world as scheme What causes have led to reluctance to adopt the phrase AVhat must be the result of true but imperfect comprehension Shew how the acceptance of formal antithesis between Natural and Revealed Religion affects the reasoning of Part II What place and what purposes are assigned to miracles in Holy Scripture Examine the chief priori objections advanced against belief in them What objections does Butler allow as fatal if established to the Christian scheme What distinctions does he diaw on each Give brief analysis of the chapter on Mediation Examine especially the exact character and force of the objection to Vicarious Suffering What are the advantages and drawbacks of the use of fixed Form of Prayer 10 Note any general principles which may be traced in the various detailed objections noticed by Hooker as advanced against our form and method of Public Worship 11 Explain clearly the principle of Hooker's treatment of the doctrine of the Sacraments What inferences may be drawn from it 12 What was the real ground of the objection made to Lay Baptism and Private Baptism How does Hooker treat it
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