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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-544

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542 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Examine the authority and the exact meaning of the words Redemption and Propitiation applied to the Atonement Shew how both depend on the more general idea of Media tion What is the Scriptural authority and what the spiritual importance of the Article He descended into Hell" Under what three successive aspects is the Resurrection of our Lord dwelt upon in the New Testament Give illustrations of each What is revealed and what left unrevealed as to the Last Judgment To what extent is the doctrine of the Hoiy Spirit doctrine of "Natural Religion" How far is it revealed in the Old Testament Give brief account of our Lord's teaching on the subject in John xiv -xvi Shew the relation between the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost in the Church system and in the Christian life 10 By what method is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity revealed in Scripture and embodied in the earliest Creeds Give brief analysis of its explicit enunciation in the "Athana- sian" Creed What is the theological history of the terms person and substance 1J What is laid down in Art VI as to the authority of Holy Scripture and what must this imply in regard to each of the various elements of Holy Scripture 12 Describe briefly the different methods of formation of the Canons of the Old and New Testament What are the actual limits of variation in each 13 Describe tbe different methods of formation by which it appears that our three Creeds came into existence Shew how this bears upon the propriety of reciting them in our public services 14 What questions have been recently raised as to the Athanasian Creed How far have they as yet received theoretical or practical solution
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