Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 542
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540 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV rufe Stetamrnt Translate carefully with grammatical and lexical notes Second Year's men -Ephes iv 7-14 Col iii 12--16 Philein 10-17 Heb viii 20-26 Acts xxvii 15-21 First Year's men -1 Pet ii 4-10 Jas iv ί-5 Acts ii 37-4 and vii 54-60 All-Mark xiv 72 Cor iv 1-5 John viii 58 Cor 11 Horn ix Give the exact meaning of the following words να'ος- μορφή κόσμο είκων καιρός Χνχνος-σημύον-αληθινός- πάρίσις Distinguish them from other words more or les3 synonymous Parse these forms which occur in the New Testament άφίωνται-άπώσατο-ϊρρήθ ν-κατίαξαν- πίποιθα-πισπκός- ακησ -παραρνωμ ν Decline fully yeVov-χ ψ-yvvt -ηδύς-09 Compare παλαιοί-σώφρων-πίων-πτωχοί-ολίγον Write down the 1st pers sing imperf of εργάζομαι- χω -αποφέρω-βούλομαι-δύνομαι and the 1st pers sing of the active aorists 111 all moods of α'φίω ΐσθίω and όρπω Give the Greek negatives with the distinctions in their use and meaning Covt11tl ta113 £ δ ENUMERATE the χαρίσματα of which St Paul speaks in this Epistle and elsewhere and discuss in particular the nature of άντι ήψ 1ς and κνβ ρνήσ 1ς Examine the nature of the gift of tongues and compare it with that of prophecy What rules does St Paul lay down for the use of each What may be gathered from Cor as to the character of the public meetings of the Apostolic Church as connected with the Lord's Supper with liturgical order What appears to have been the nature and source of the error which prevailed in the Church of Corinth as to the Resur- rection What is St Paul's teaching as to the body with which men shall rise
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