Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 541
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 539 Which of the minor prophets were contemporary What period of time was covered by the mission of Hosea Give summary of the Messianic prophecies in the twelve minor prophets Give some account of the prophecies of Zechaiiah and shew reason for the integrity of the book II tbrctu Translate Jonah 6-10 Translate Jonah ii Translate Jonah iv Pick out as far as you can the special words of this book Write out the principal parts of shakav he lay down Translate into Hebrew the Lord's Prayer Ill- fntroUuction to fitfo Ctstament What facts may be gathered from the Epistles of the first imprisonment illustrating St Paul's manner of life at Rome and the extent of his mission-work there The history of St Paul's connection with the Church of Philippi What were its characteristic features and how did they affect the teaching of the Epistle What were the special lorms of error that prevailed in the Church of Colosse and shew the fitness of St Paul's method ot dealing with them The occasion and substance of the Epistle to Philemon Discuss tbe question whether the Epistle to the Ephesians was an encyclical letter On what grounds has the genuineness of the pastoral Epistles been questioned Assuming their genuinenesss what light do they throw cn the heresies on the organization of the Apostolic Church The life and character of Timotheus Give an account of the more remarkable versions of the New Testament and of their value in textual criticism Examine the more remarkable various readings in Corinthians
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