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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-537

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535 EXAMINATION PAPERS ideological Department ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Michaelmas Teiim 1876 nural Stripturc Paper Under what heads may the hooks of the Old Testament be classified Show bow in each tbe principle that "Christ is the end of the law of the Old Testament is exemplified Compare the characters of Abraham Isaac and Jacob illustrating from the history but giving no continuous narrative In what passages of the New Testament is the faith of Abraham referred to In what ways did the Israelites come in contact with the Amalekites the Kenites the Midianites and the Moabites after their leaving Egypt and before they entered Canaan What were tbe various kinds of sacrifices among the Jews What leading idea attached to each Quote any remarkable passages of the teaching on Sacrifice contained in the Prophets and the Psalms What was the great sin of David and what its punishment Note any Psalms illustrating either What was the promise called the sure mercies of David Give brief account of the various great revivals of the worship of God in the kingdom of Judah On what occasion did the High Priest save the house of David from extinction How was his service requited
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