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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-514

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512 DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS Ā£ Tomline Esq Carlton-house-terrace 100 Trotter Esq 13 Connauyht-place 100 Truro the Right Hon Lord 83 Eaton-square 100 Turner Skinner Esq Lower Clapton 110 Tutxiot Edmund I' sq Stoke Cotworth Lincoln 100 Twining Richard Esq The Strand 200 Twining Richard Esq Bedford-place 155 Twining George Esq Strand 100 Twining John Aldred Esq Strand 100 Tyler -v Endell 24 Bedford-square 165 Van Milder Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Durham 600 Vaughan Rev The Temple 100 Vernon-Harconrt Dr Lord Archbishop of York 500 Vernon-Harcourt Egertn Esq Wliitwellhall York 176 Vincent Robert Esq 92 Moorgaie-slreet 100 Vyvyan Sir Hart Trelowarren Cornwall 100 Walker Joseph Esq Liverpool 100 Walsingham George Lord 100 Walter John Esq 40 Upper Grosvenor-street 100 Hard Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man 100 Ward Esq 100 Ward George Esq 25 Soho-square 100 Warncford the Rev Dr Baurton Moretov-in-Morsb 1000 Watkins Rev II King's College London 100 Watson Rev Berkeswell Coventry 100 Watson Sir Thomas Bart 16 Henrietta-street 200 Watson Joshua Esq Clapton 320 Watson Very Ret Dean of St Alban's 110 Webb Mrs 21 Cornwall-terrace Regent's park in right of 200 presented by Miss Henrietta Susanna Fly deceased Wellington Arthur Duke of KG Piccadilly 300 Westminster Robert Marquis of 100 White Rev Winchester 100 White Edward Esq 12 Great Marlborongh-street in right of 110 presented by Henry John Lord Selsea deceased Widow of Dignified Clergyman 100 Wiglesworth Thomas Esq 100 Wigram Edward Esq 11 Hyde Park-place 550 Wigr 1t Rev Highfleld Southampton 1000 Wilbralram Sir Richard Whitehall-gardens 100 Willouyhby de Broke Henry Peyto Lord 21 Hill-street 100 Wilson Francis Esq Jegreys-squnrc 100 Wilson Right Rev Daniel Lord Bishop oj Calcutta 105 Wilson Fountayne Esq Milton 200 Winchester the Lotd Bishop of Farnham 200 Winstanley Esq Brounston Halt Leicester 100 Witherby George Esq Birchin-lane 100 Woodhouse George Esq 89 Hamilton-terrace 100
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