Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 498
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490 PROPRIETORS Fenton Mrs Godl'uvan-street Doctors' Commons Fisher John Esq 33 Dorset-square Fisher Capt Peter Walmer Kent Flounders Esq Yarm Yorkshire Godfrey Rev Stow Bedon Attleborough Golding Mrs Earls Court House Boltons West Brompton Goolden Esq 41 Sussex-gardens Gordon George Esq Gosling Robert Esq Portland-place Graham Christopher North Esq Bridge-street Blackfriar Graseti William Esq Ovendon near Sevenoaks Greive James Henry Esq Addlrstone Chrrtsey Grinfield Rev Edward Will-am Brunswick-stjuare Brighton Gurney Rev Gloucester-place Portman-square Guy Esq 26 Gordon-street Gordon-square Haggard William Esq Hale Esq Alderly Wotton-under-Edge Hansard Luke Esq Hansard James Esq Pemberton-row Gough-square Hansard Esq Kensington-gardens-terrace Hnrford Esq Blaize Castle near Bristol Harris James Dawson Esq Harris Rd Esq Queens-crescent Southsea Harris Quarles Esq Blackheath Harris Robert Esq Reading Harrison William Esq 13 Little Tower-street Harrison John Esq 17 Gracechurch-street Hatchard Rev Guildford Heale Esq Μ D- Winchester Henley Lord 19 Whitehall-place Hensley Esq Harewood-place Harewood-square Heseltine Sam Richard Esq Newington Butts Hickman William Esq 14 Nevill-street Onslow-square Hilhouse Richard jun Esq 19 Finsbury-place Hinde William Esq Lancaster IIolden Wm Esq Bedford-place Holford Geo Esq 15 Bolton-street Holford Robert Esq 15 Bolton-street Holmes John Esq Town Hall Sonthwark Hopewell Benjamin Taney Esq Horsburgh James Eiq Herne-hill Houseman John Esq 14 Essex-street Strand Hudson Robert Esq Claphatn-common Hudson Thomas Esq Hume Rev Henry Salisbury
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