Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 460
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458 honorary fellows William Henry Mahoney Christie Formerly Pupil of the School Fourth Wrangler 1868 Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge 1871 James Gylby Lonsdale Late Professor of Classical Literature Charles Kelly Formerly Student late Curator of the Museum and Assistant Physician Isaac Burney Yeo Formerly Student for six years Medical Tutor and now Physician Thomas Pridgin Teale Ox Formerly Student now Surgeon to Leeds Infirmary aud Lec- turer on Surgery at the Leeds School of Medicine Peter Martin Duncan Formerly Student and now Professor of Geology Charles Percy Bysshe Shelley Formerly Student and now Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery 1872 Christopher Heath Formerly Student now Surgeon to University College Hospital and Teacher of Operative Surgery in University College Porter Smith Formerly Student Founder and Physician of the Hankow Medical Mission Hospital Central China Evan Buchanan Baxter Formerly Student now Professor of Materia Medica John Curnow Formerly Student now Professor of Anatomy John Beswick Perrin Formerly Student and after- wards Demonstrator of Anatomy Alfred Goodwin Formerly Student Fellow of Balliol Hertford Scholar 1869 Ireland Scholar and First Class in Classics 1872 Craven and Derby Scholar 1873 Henry William Watkins Formerly Student Honours in Logic and Moral Philosophy University of London Brackenbury open Theological Scholar Balliol College Oxford now Chaplain
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