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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-435

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THE SCHOOL 433 XXV Names of Pupils of King's College School during the last Academical Tear Abbott Charles Henry Acton Arthur Henry Adams George Bromfield Aitken George Atherton Alford Robert Greenwood Allen Edwin Stewart Alliston Clement Allnutt John VVhitehouse Anwyl Owen Evan Ansdell Carrol Wheeler Ansdell Frank Arch Arthur Joseph Arliss Percy Armstrong Carleton Aslett George Stratton Aslett John Lewis Aulagnier Joseph Gabriel Baber Ernest William Baker James Frederick Baker William Wing Balfour James Barkley John Kalph Barnard Bryan Barnes Alfred Theodore Barnes Charles Edward Barratt Leonard Evill Barratt Reginald Barrett Robert Batstone Oliver Clarke Batten Harold Alan Ε Baxter William Beattie Arthur Elliot Beaver Guy Campbell Beazley George Arthur Bell Percy William Bennett Arthur Wentworth Bennett Charles Edmund Bennett Christopher Henry Benson Arthur James Benson Walter John Bentley Richard Herbert Beutley William Bertram Leopold Frederick Bestic Charles Mahon Bestic AVilliam Brereton Bethell Henry Arthur Beven Sydney Billett Frederick Binks Arthur William Binny Charles William Bisdee Edward Henry Biver Oscar Blaxall Thomas Percy Blizard George Blockley John Henry Bloor Robert Henry Bloxam Arthur George Bloxam Frederick William Bloxam William Popplew ell Blunt Herbert William
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