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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-411

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THE SCHOOL 409 VIII SCIENCE Natural Philosophy- One to both Divisions Given by the Council Subjects The Elementary parts of the Mechanics of solid and fluid bodies viz the physical properties of matter in its solid liquid and gaseous forms the com- position of two forces the centre of gravity the mechanical powers and their properties the laws of friction the laws of motion with simple appli- cations inertia weight and mass uniform and uniformly accelerated motion in straight line the laws of falling bodies and Atwood's Machine projectiles impact and collision the principle of work with simple applications tbe pressure of liquids and gases density and specific gravity floating bodies the construction and use of the more simple hydrostatic and hydraulic instru- ments Elementary Optics viz the laws of reflection and refraction the formation of images the con- struction of telescopes and microscopes Elementary Astronomy viz the phenomena depend- ing on the revolution and rotation of the earth and the general theory of the solar system The knowledge of Mechanics and of Optics expected from the Candidates will be such as may be acquired by attending experimental lectures Candidates will be examined in and in one or both of and II Chemistry- One to both Divisions Given by the Council
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