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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-385

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THE SCHOOL 383 IV Middle Second Class Arithmetic -Vulgar Fractions Proportion and Backwork Upper Second Class Arithmetic -Vulgar Fractions Practice Propor- tion and Backwork Euclid -Book Props 1-3 Definitions Postulates and Axioms VI Lower Third Class Arithmetic -Vulgar Fractions Decimals and Backwork Euclid -Book 1-20 Algebra -Notation Addition Subtraction and Multiplication VII Middle Third Class Arithmetic -Vulgar Fractions Advanced De- cimals and Backwork Euclid -Book Algebra -Division Factors and Backwork VIII Upper Third Class Arithmetic Interest Simple and Compound and Backwork Euclid -Books and II with Simple Deduc- tions Algebra -Greatest Common Measure Least Common Multiple Eeduction of Fractions and Backwork IX Lower Remove Class Arithmetic -Discount Stocks and Backwork Euclid -Books and II and III 1-25 with Deductions Algebra -Fractions Simple Equations with Problems and Backwork
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