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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-350

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348 civil service evening classes The subjects of examination the same as those formerly prescribed for Clerkships Class are Handwriting highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 400 Copying MS to test accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing 200 Digesting Returns into Summaries 200 English Composition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 Students joining this class should be acquainted with Vulgar and Decimal Fractions Proportion and Interest This class is divided into two sections-the first section to contain the more advanced students The course of pre- paration is similar in both sections and student may prepare for the next examination in either Students will not be allowed to choose the section they will join Messrs Braginton and Wood will place them in the section adapted to their requirements and ll move them from one to the other at discretion The first section meets on Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 45 to 15 The second section meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 15 to 15 Books required -Barnard Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s 6c Johnston's Civil Service Precis Longmans 3s id Hunter's Examination Questions in Book-keeping with Answers Longmans 2s 6d Hamilton and Ball's Book- keeping Oxford Clarendon Press 2s Books recommended -Sullivan's Spelling Book Superseded Longmans Is 4d Johnston's Civil Service Spelling Book Longmans Is 3d Johnston's Civil Service Tots Longmans Is Bains Higher English Grammar Longmans 2s 6c Abbott's "How to Write Clearly" Seeley Is 6d Ander- son's Class Book of Geography Nelson Is Od Philips First School Atlas Is Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6c Ross's Outlines of English History Simpkin 2s 6d Student's Hume Murray 7s 6d Further inquiries respecting this class may be addressed to Braginton Esq Clarendon Villas Barry Road Peck- ham Rye Candidates for these Clerkships which are mostly in Lon-
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