Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 347
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THEOLOGICAL EVENING CLASSES 345 The following will be the subjects of the Entrance Exami- nations in 1877-8 The Gospels according to St Mark and St Luke in Greek General Scripture History The Church Catechism with Explanations Cicero de Officiis Book Virg JEn Xetiophon Anabasis Book Greek and Latin Grammar For the Latin and Greek subjects any books of corre- sponding length and difficulty may be substituted at the choice of the Candidate by previous notice to the Principal Any gentlemen desiring to join this Department or any single class therein and needing any information are re- quested to communicate with the Principal or the Chaplain The Chaplain may be found in his College Rooms during Term at 30 on Wednesdays CLASS IN PREPARATION FOR ADMISSION Special arrangements will be made in the Evening by the Rev John Bullock to assist Students who are pre- paring to present themselves for the Entrance Examination Mr Bullock will himself conduct the Gr ek Testament Class on Wednesdays from to and hold Tutorial Class for general supervision and occasional Examinations in the various subjects on Tuesday from to He will arrange for Students to attend such Greek and Latin Classes on Mondays and Thursdays from to in the Winter and on Monday and Friday from 30 to in the Summer as he shall judge best suited to tbem The fee for the whole Winter Course will be £7 17s 6d and £4 14s 6d for the entire Summer Course Students may also enter for the separate Latin Greek and Greek Testament Evening Classes at the regular fee of £1 11 6d each for the Winter Course and £1 Is for the Summer Course and for the Tutorial Class at fee of £2 2s for each of the three Terms in the year
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