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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-34

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32 names OF PROFESSORS etc ENGLISH LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE Professors 1831 John James Park LL 1833 John William Spurrier 1835 Richard Preston 1838 Edward BuUocK 1851 George Kettilby Rickards 1852 James Stephen LL 1865 John Cutler POLITICAL ECONOMY Professors 1831 2Nassau William Senior 1833 Richard Jones ECONOMIC SCIENCE AND STATISTICS Toolce Professor 1859 James Edwin Tiioeold Rogers FENCING Professors 1832 Henry Angelo 1852 Henry Charles Angelo LAW OF NATIONS Professor 1849 3Travers Twiss ZOOLOGY Professor 1836 Thomas Bell ×– Late Michel Fellow of Queen's College Oxford ate Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford ×™ Late Fellow of University College Oxfof
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