Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 331
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evening classes Chancery Lane will be awarded to the Student who obtains the largest number of marks in the Examination on Law and Jurisprudence which will for the purposes of this Prize only includa certain questions to be answered viva voce The foregoing Prizes will not be awarded to any Student who fails to obtain three-fourths of the allotted marks in each of the Examinations for which he presents himself δ to any Student who is on the 1st of February 1878 Barrister or Solicitor nor to any Student who has obtained Special Law Prize in preceding Session The requirement does not apply to the Professor's Prize 31 ROMAN LAW Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The following subjects will be discussed during the Course History and Sources of Roman Law II Patria Potestas III Dominica Potestas IV Marriage Adoption VI Tutorship and Curatorship VII Traditio VIII Servitudes IIX Usucapion Gift 32 SHORTHAND Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to This Class is intended to impart thorough knowledge of Shorthand to the extent of ready corresponding and ver- ------
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