Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 323
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EVENING CLASSES 321 II Functions of the Reproductive Organs -Functions of the Calyx and Corolla-Fertilization-Hybridization-Ger- ruination-Vitality and Dispersion of Seeds BOOK RECOMMENDED Bentley's Manual of Botany 3rd Edition 23 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The Course for 1877-78 will treat of Statical and Dynamical Electricity and Magnetism Electrical Attractions and Repulsions Conductors and Non-Conductors Distinction of two kinds of Electricity Hypothesis of Electric Fluids Laws of Electrical Action II Effect of Air and Moisture in causing loss of Electricity Influence of the Form of the Body Distribution of Electricity on the Surface of Bodies Electrical Machines III Electrical Induction Faraday's Theory of Indue- tion ElectiOscopes The Electrophorus Con- densation of Electricity The Leyden Jar Elec- trical Discharges IV Atmospheric Electricity Electric Clouds Light- ning Physiological and other effects of Statical Electricity Electrometers The Natural Magnet or Loadstone Artificial Mag- nets Polarity Action of opposite Poles on one another Magnetic Induction VI Terrestrial Magnetism Magnetic Declination and Dip and their Variations Magnetic Intensity
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