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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-322

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320 EVENING CLASSES Part -Structural Botany Introductory Remarks on the Objects of Botanical Science -Definition of Plant-General Sketch of the Organs of Plants and of the Characters of the different Classes in the Vegetable Kingdom Elementary Structure of Plants t-Cells and their Modi- fications-Epidermal Tissue and its Appendages-Compound Organs divisible into Nutritive and Reproductive Of the Nutritive Organs -1 The Root Distinc- tions between Roots and Stems Annual Biennial and Perennial Roots-Epiphytic and Parasitic Plants The Stem General Characters of-Buds-Processes of Budding Grafting Layering &c -External Modifications of the Stem -Internal Structure-Age and Size of Trees-Mode of ascertaining their Age TheLeaf General Characters and Structure II Of the Reproductive Organs -Preliminary Observations -Bract or Floral Leaf-Inflorescence-The Flower and its Parts Calyx Corolla Andrcecium Gyncecium Fruit and Seed Part II -Physiological Botany Functions of the Nutritive Organs -Food of Plants Ap- plications of in Agriculture and Horticulture Function of Absorption Practical application of its knowledge in Trans- planting Trees &c -Distribution of Fluid Matters through the Plant or Circulation Functions of Leaves Exhalation or Transpiration Its Influence in Nature-Practical Applications arising from knowledge of this Process Respiration Importance of in preserving the Composition of the Atmosphere and Water- Growth of Plants in Bedrooms-Wardian Cases and the important purposes to which they may be applied Assi- milation Development Secretion Application of knowledge of the above functions in growing Timber Trees Fruits and Vegetables
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