Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 318
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316 EVENING CLASSES The Chemistry of Carbon Compounds or Organic Chemistry-' Hydrocarbons- Methylic derivatives-Carbonic Acid and Carbonates-Cyanogen and Cyanides Silicon -Silica as Quartz and Sand-Silicates as Glass -The foregoing Course is subject to slight alterations as Organic Chemistry or the Chemistry of Metals may occa- sionally be treated more fully BOOKS RECOMMENDED Roscoe's Elementary Chemistry Odling's Outlines of Chemistry Bloxam's Chemistry 19 PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Day and Hour of Attendance-r-Tue&day from to Course of Demonstrations on Analytical Chemistry including- Course of Practical Chemistry sufficient for the re- quirements of the Sc the Medical and other Examina- tions The Qualitative Analysis of Complex Solutions and the Blowpipe Analysis of Minerals Such examples in Quantitative work as the Analysis of Crystalline Salts the Estimation of Acids and Alkalis of Iron in Iron Ores and Chlorine in Bleaching Powder &c The number of Students who can attend this more ad- vanced class is limited This Course lasts from October to March Students work independently of each other and are sup- plied with the requisite apparatus and chemicals Those doing quantitative work must each provide his own set of weights BOOKS RECOMMENDED Bloxam's Laboratory Teaching Bowman's Practical Chemistry or the Owens Col- lege Course of Practical Chemistry published by Macmillan
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