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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-314

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312 EVENING CLASSES GENERAL AVERAGE Difference between Particular and General Average Loss- Total Loss-Abandonment-Principles of Adjustment INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW Neutral Rights The Declaration of Paris-Belligerent Rights-Right of Capture-Blockade GILBART LECTURES The following Course of Four Lectures will be given in the ensuing Winter viz Thursday Jan 24-Banking Currency and Commerce in Austria and Hungary Thursday Jan 31-The Causes of Commercial Crises and their Relation to Banking and Currency Thursday Feb 7-The Rights and Liabilities of Partners toward Third Persons and of Third Persons towards Partners Thursday Feb 14 -The Recent History of the Bank of England Thursday Feb 28-Written examination on the Subjects of the above lectures Cards of Admission can be obtained through the Managers of the different London Banks and their branches SPECIAL PRIZES The following Prizes to be given in books will be awarded at the close of the Winter Session 1877-78 to the Students who shall obtain the highest number of marks in the subjects respectively fixed Group Prize of Ā£10 given by James Duncan Esq
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