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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-313

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Page content

EVENING CLASSES 311 AGENCY Κ Brokers-Factors-Auctioneers-Rights and Dutiesof Airents -Rights and Duties of Principals PARTNERSHIPS Constitution of the Contract-Rights Duties and Liabilities of Partners-Partnerships en commandite-Dissolution and its Effects JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES The Memorandum and Registration-Limited and Unlimited Liability-Rights and Duties of Directors and Shareholders -Winding-up CONTRACT OF SALE Essentials of the Contract-The Statute of Frauds-Repre- setitation-Warrantee Delivery-The Price-Payment-Lien -Stoppage in transitu BILLS OF EXCHANGE Requisites of Bills and Notes-Parties to them-Stamps- Endorsement-Acceptance-Presentment-Payment-Notice -Protest BANK CHEQUES Definition of Terms-Cross-Cheques-The New Act SHIPPING Property in Ships how acquired-Rights Duties and Lia- bilities of Owners and Masters of Ships CHARTER-PARTIES Nature of the Contract-Description of the Ship and Voyage -The Freight-Bills of Lading MARINE INSURANCE Whatmay be Insured-Representations and Warranties-The Policy-Risks-Dangers of the Sea-Deviation
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