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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-308

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Page content

306 evening classes XVIII -Commerce Navigation and Coloniza- tion Hawkins Drake Raleigh Fro bisher Cavendish XIX -The Puritans XX -State of Ireland XXL-XXIII -James State of Scotland Events in England Scotland and Ireland XXIV -Foreign Policy Character of James XXV -Charles Buckingham's Adminislra- tion XXVI XXVII -English Scotch and Irish Parliaments Laud and Wentworth XXVIII XXIX -The Long Parliament XXX -The Civil War XXXI -XXXIIL-The Commonwealth Cromwell His Designs and Character XXXIV -XXXVL-The Restoration Party Contests during Charles IL's reign 10 ITALIAN -Two Classes Days and Hoursof Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Lower Division Elementary Grammar Exercises to Reading and translation of Goldoni's Commedie and Pellico's Le mie Prigioni Upper Division Grammar and Syntax Translation from English Italian Com- position and Italian Conversation Reading-Poetry Dante La Divina Com- media and Monti Tragedie Prose Alfieri Vita and Leopardi Opere books recommended Mariotti's Grammar Baretti's or Millhouse's Dictionary
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