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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-305

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EVENING CLASSES 303 The Professor will direct the Students as to which of the Divisions they should enter in accordance with their degree of forwardness-and which particular Grammar and Dictionary they should select GERMAN LITERATURE AND HISTORY Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to The Lectures in this Class are delivered in German The Subjects of these Lectures will be The political History of Germany from the Peace of Westphalia 1648 to die Re-establishment of the German Empire 1870 with special account of the Kise and Ascendency of the House of Hohenzollern The Literary Activity of Germany during the same period The Historical Lectures will be fully illustrated by historico geographical maps The Literary Lectures will generally follow the historical ones in illustration of the respective epochs to which the latter refer Extracts will be read from the works of the authors treated in the Literary Lectures so as to make the students fully acquainted with the genius of the principal writers of Germany portion of time will be devoted to Conversational Discussion in German on the subject of each Lecture 'Ihe Professor will receive Essays written in German on the subjects treated in the Lectures as weil as resumes of the German works which will be read at the Class or privately by the Students and return the work corrected Those Students who wish to qualify themselves as Teachers of German will receive special assist- ance if joining the literary or the advanced German Classes
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