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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-293

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 291 Members of the College in the written examination will only have to answer those questions set by the Section of the Board consisting of persons skilled in Dental Surgery and in tbe oral examination will be examined only by that Section Candidate whose qualifications shall be found insufficient will be referred back to his studies and will not be admitted to re-examination within the period of six months unless the Board shall otherwise determine Examinations will be held in January and June The fee for the Diploma is Ten Guineas over and above any stamp duty Note -A ticket of admission to the Museum to the Library and to the College Lectures will be presented to each Candidate on his obtaining the Diploma IV SOCIETT ΟΓ APOTHECARIES Every Candidate for Certificate of Qualification to practise as an Apothecary will be required to produce Testimonials- Of having pa3sed preliminary examination in Arts as test of general education Certificates in Arts granted by any of the bodies recognised by the Medical Council will be accepted This examina- tion must be passed before the commencement of Professional Studies which is defined by the Medical Council to be the time of com- mencing studies at Medical School Of having attained the full age of twenty-one years of which satis- factory evidence will be required Of good moral conduct Certificate of three months practical Pharmacy from some recognised Hospital or Dispensary or from qualified Medical Practitioner To be produced at the First Examination Of having pursued Course of Medical Study in conformity with the Regulations of the Court as follows FIRST YEAR Winter Session -Chemistry Anatomy and Physiology Dissections Summer Session Materia Medica and Therapeutics Botany Practical Chemistry By Practical Chemistry is meant specific Course of Instruction in the Laboratory with an opportunity of Persona Manipulation in the ordinary Processes of Chemistry and of acquiring knowledge of the various Re-agents for Poisons Τ
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