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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-291

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 289 The Primary Examinations are held in the months of January April May July and November and the Pass Examinations generally in ihe ensuing week respectively Candidates will not be admitted to the Primary Examination until after the termination of the Second Winter Session of their attendance at recognised School or Schools nor to the Pass Examination until after the termination of the fourth year of their professional education Candidate having entered his name for either the Primary or Pass Examination who shall fail to attend the Meeting of the Court for which he shall have received card will not be allowed to present himself for examination within the period of three months from the date at which he shall have so failed to attend Candidate referred on the Primary Examination is required prior to his admission to re-examination to produce Certificate of the per- formance of dissections during not less than three months subse- quently to the date of his reference Candidate referred on the Pass Examination is required prior to his admission to re-examination to produce Certificate of at least six months' further attendance on tbe Surgical Practice of recognised Hospital together with Lectures on Clinical Surgery subsequently to the date of his reference The Fee of Five Guineas paid prior to the Primary Examination and allowed on the whole fee of Twenty-two Pounds payable for the Diploma is retained and after any two consecutive failures at the Primary Examination the Candidate is required to pay an additional fee of Five Guineas prior to being again admitted to that Exami- nation which additional fee is also retained Five Guineas part of the sum of Sixteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings the balance of the whole fee due for the Diploma and paid prior to the Pass Examination is retained and after any two consecutive failures at the Pass Examination the Candidate is required to pay an additional fee of Five Guineas prior to being again admitted to the said Pass Examination which additional fee is also retained Regulations relating to the Diploma in Dental Surgery Education Candidates are required to produce the following Certificates Of being twenty-one years of age Of having been engaged during four years in the acquirement of professional knowledge This sum of Twenty-two Pounds is exclusive of the fee of Two Pounds paid for the Preliminary Examination Ī¤
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