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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-282

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2S0 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT II ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Bye-Laws as to Licentiates Every Candidate for the College Licence except in cases specially exempted required to produce satisfactory evidence to the following effect Of having attained the age of twenty-one years II Of moral character III Of having passed preliminary Examination in the subjects of General Education IV Oi having been registered as Medical Student in the manner prescribed by the General Medical Council Of having been engaged in professional studies during four years of which at least three Winter Sessions and two Summer Sessions shall have been passed at recognized Medical School or Schools and one Winter Session and two Summer Sessions in one or other of the following ways Attending the practice of Hospital or other Institution recognised by the College for that purpose Receiving instruction as the Pupil of legally qualified Practitioner holding any public appointment which affords opportunities satis- factory to the Examiners of imparting practical knowledge of Medicine Surgery or Midwifery Attending Lectures on any of the required subjects of professional study at recognised place of instruction VI Of having attended during three Winter Sessions and two Summer Sessions the Medical and Surgical practice at recognised Hospital or Hospitals of having dischaiged the duties of Clinical Clerk at recognised Hospital for period of not less than three months of having performed the duties of Dresser at recognised Hospital for period of not less than three months and of having been engaged during six months in the Clinical study of Diseases peculiar to Women VII Of having studied the following subjects Anatomy with Dissections during Two Winter Sessions Physiology Two Winter Sessions Chemistry Practical Chemistry Materia Medica Practical Pharmacy Botany Principles and Practice of Medicine The attendance on these Lectures must not commence earlier than the Second Winter Session Six Months Three Months Three Months Three Months Three Months Two Winter Sessions
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