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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-281

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 279 Of having taken the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University Of havingattendetl subsequently to having taken the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University To Clinical or Practical Surgery during Two Years in Hospital or Medical Institution recognised by this University Or to Clinical or Practical Surgery during One Year in Hospital or Medical Institution recognised by this University and of having been engaged during Three Years in the Practice of his Profession Or of having been engaged during Five Years in the Practice of his Profession either before or after taking the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Surgety or two years of Practice will be dispensed with in the case of those Candi- dates who at the Examination have been placed in the First Division Of Moral Character signed by two persons of respectability Candidates will be examined in- Logic and Moral Philosophy Candidates who have taken the Degree either of Sc or are exempted from this part of the Examination Surgical Anatomy and Surgery The most distinguished Candidate in Surgery at this Examination receives Gold Medal of £20 value Doctor of Medicine The Examination takes place on the fourth Monday in November each year Fee £5 Certificates are required of having-1 Taken the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine in this University Of having subsequently attended to Clinical or Practical Medicine during two years in recognised Medical Institution or to Clinical or Practical Medicine during one year in recognised Medical In- stitution and of having practised his profession during three years or of having been engaged during live years in the practice of his profession either before or after taking the degree of Bachelor of Medicine in this University One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Medicine or two years of Practice dispensed with in the case of those who at the second Examina- tion have been placed in the First Division Of Moral Character signed by two persons of respectability Candidates shall be examined in the following subjects -Logic and Moral Philosophy Candidates who have taken Degree in Arts in this University or in any recognised University excepted Medicine The most distinguished Candidate in Medicine receives Gold Medal of £20 value י Candidates who have obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine pre- viously to 1866 will be admitted to the Examination for the Degree of Master in Surgery without having taken the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery and in the case of such Candidates the attendance on Surgical Practice required by Regulation may commence from the date of the Degree For full Regulations see the London University Calendar
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