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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-279

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 277 To have passed the Preliminary Scientific Examination Candidates for the Degree of are strongly recommended by the Senate to pass the Preliminary Scientific Examination before commencing their regular Medical Studies To have been engaged in his professional studies during Four Years sub- sequently to Matriculation or Graduation in Arts at one or more of the Medica Institutions or Schools recognised by this University One Year at least of the Four to have been spent in one or more of the recognised Institutions or Schools in the United Kingdom To pass two Examinations in Medicine Preliminary Scientific Examination The Preliminary Scientific Examination shall take place once in each year anf shall commence on the third Monday in July Fee £5 No Candidate shall be admitted to this Examination until he shall have com- pleted his Seventeenth year and shall have either passed the Matriculation Examination or shall have taken Degree in Arts in either of the Universities of Sydney Melbourne Calcutta or Madras and Latin was one of the subjects in which he passed The subjects of examination will be Inorganic Chemistry Experimental Physics Botany and Vegetable Physiology Zoology and Practical Chemistry Any candidate of not more than twenty-two years of age who has passed the Preliminary Scientific Examination maybe examined for Honours in Experimental Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology An Exhibition of £40 per annum for two years is given in each subject and in Experimental Physics the First and Second Candidates for Honours shall each receive Neil Arnott Bronze Medal First Examination This Examination takes place on the last Monday in July each year Fee £5 Candidates must produce Certificates of having completed their nineteenth year of having passed the preliminary Scientific Examination at least one year previously subsequently to having passed the Matriculation Examination or taken Degree in Arts at any recognized University studied at one or more recognised Medical Schools for two years Dissected during two winter sessions attended course of Practical Chemistry attended to Practical Pharmacy and of having acquired practical knowledge of the Preparation of Medicines attended course of Lectures on each uf three of the subjects in the annexed List -Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy General Anatomy and Physiology Comparative Anatomy Pathological Anatomy Materia Medica and Pharmacy General Pathology General Therapeutics Forensic Medicine Hygiene Ob- stetric Medicine and Diseases of Women and Infants Surgery Medicine The subjects for Examination are Anatomy Physiology Organic Chemistry Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Any Candidate who has passed the First Examination may be examined for Honours in any or all of the following subjects Anatomy Physiology Histology and Comparative Anatomy Organic Chemistry Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
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