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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-273

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Page content

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 271 Chemistry Silk John Frederick William Prize Balk James ו Certificates of Honour Mc Donnell Denis Medicine Baddeley Charles Edward Prize Clarke Thomas Furze Certificates of Honour Adolphcs Theodore Frederick Clinical Medicine Smith Thomas Frederick Hugh Prize Surgery Smith Thomas Frederick Hugh Prize Clinical Surgery Milles Walter Jennings Prize ufin Thomas Walker Certificates of Honour -Schlesinger Richard Emil Students recommended for the rank of Associate of King's College London Cassan Theodore Fowler James Kingston Ground Edward Hayes Francis George Hebb Richard Grainger Morgan Herbert Major Snell Edward Arthur Sparrow George Gordon Symons John Willcocks Frederick Willis Julian Prizes and Certificates gained in the Summer Session 1877 Forensic Medicine Hebb Frederick Theodore Prize McDonnell Denis Certificate of Honour
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