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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-265

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 263 1870 Warner Francis 1871 Birch Robert 1872 Philpot Joseph Henry 1873 Moore George Edward 1874 Hayes Francis George 1875 Tirard Nestor Isidore Charles 1876 Thurston Edgar XXVI PRIZEMEN ON THE TANNER FOUNDATION 1873 Hutchings Arthur Carey 1875 Arnott Sandford 1876 Willcocks Frederick 1877 Coffin Thomas Walker XXVII SCHOLARS ON THE WARNEFORD FOUNDATION For the Names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendar for 1865-β 1865- Gibbings Alfred Thomas ן Whitmore William Beach Class Hoar Charles Edward Hunt William Alfred Class II 1866- Lyell Robert Wi&hart clagg Rowland George Le Hunt Kidger Alfred Armitage Class II 1867- Hazel William Francis ass Rat Joseph Numa Cross Francis Richardson Class II 1868- Philpot Joseph Henry cla8g ν Duncan Andrew Briggs George Chapman Class II
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