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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-175

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APPLIED SCIENCES 173 It is open to all Candidates who are under the age of 19 years on the day fixed for sending in their names in 1877 September 29 whether they are members of the College at that date or not The successful Candidate if not already Matriculated Student must immediately Matriculate in one of the Depart- ments of the College other than the Evening Classes The Exhibitions will be paid in six Terminal instalments at tbe end of each Term provided the Student has been in attendance as Matriculated Student and produces to tbe Secretary Certificate of good conduct from the Principal and of satisfactory progress in his studies from the Dean of his Department Subjects of Examination any four at'the option of each Candidate of the following subjects viz Mathematics including Arithmetic Al ebra Eu- clid Π Ill IV and Plane Trigonometry Elementary Mechanics Physics including Hydrostatics Pneumatics and Heat Inorganic Chemistry Botany -The same departments of the Science as are included in the first Sc and Preliminary Science Pass Examination of the University ο London Zoology -The general principles of the classifica- tion of animals the structure and arrangement of the various organs and appendages of the best known forms of animal lite special stress being laid on osteological characters Some knowledge of geographical distribution will also be required One hundred marks will be assigned to each subject Candidates for the Exhibition of 1877 must send in their names and subjects on form to be obtained in the College Office before One o'clock on Saturday September 29 to the Secretary King'3 College London The next Examination will begin at 10 on Wednesday October
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