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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-130

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128 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE These Exhibitions will be payable in equal instalments at the end of each of the Students' first six Terms at King's College London provided he produces to the Secretary at the end of each Term Certificate of good conduct and satisfactory progress signed respectively by the Principal and Dean XV SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES The "Daniell" Scholarship the "Trench "McCaul and "Leitner" Prizes are all open to Students of this Department itte&al This Medal is awarded Annually to the Student of the Third or Second Year who shall most distinguish himself at the Midsummer Examinations In case of equality preference will be given to the Senior Student Goto JtUiial for Jttatijcmattcs This Medal of the value of Ā£10 is the highest Mathe- matical Prize awarded at the College and is open annually for competition at the end of the Easter Term to all Matriculated Students of the Departments of General Literature and of Applied Sciences who at the time of the examination have completed their sixth term and not exceeded nine terms Students uho being otherwise qualified have left the College within the academical year preceding the examina- tion will be allowed to compete for the medal if recommended by the Principal and by the Professors of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy B-Candidates under Rule must send their names to the Secretary of King's College London ou or before June 1st in each year
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