Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 107
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 105 The first Examination under the above regulation will be held in July 1878 The Council have made arrangements for Special Course of Study adapted to" this Examination and have appointed Tutor to direct and supervise the training of Students in this Department The Classical Mathematical English and other regular lectures of the College include all the subjects of Examina- tion and will be attended by the Students according to their requirements In addition to these there will be formed the following Special Classes for tfa Indian Civil Service Examina- lion English History Prof Gardiner English Literature Hales English Composition Philology Charles French Language and Literature Professor Mariette German Language Literature Professor Buchheim Ph In the English subjects as well as in Modern Languages special practice will be given in Examination Papers and Special instruction will also be given in Mathematics pure and mixed Chemistry Light and Heat Electricity and Magnetism Geology and Mineralogy Zoology and Botany For this purpose Candidates will be admitted to the Lectures of the Department of Applied Sciences with additional work in the Laboratory Each Candidate will receive such advice and direction as he may require in his work from the Tutor Mr Warr Classical Lecturer in the College Students are admitted to the College from the age of six- teen and upwards and may thus have three years' special training for the Examination Greek Roman History Anti- quities and Literature Moral Science Warr Rev Watkins Geology Rev Wiltshire
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