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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-102

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100 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Committee Seven Past Students REV SHELFORD REV DEACON REV JOHN HOBSON BEV CHAS GILLESPIE REV MORAN BEV ERNEST GELDART BEEBY Five Present Students JOHN NORTH COTE FRANCIS HAWKINS CECIL WRIGHT LIONEL GOODRICH G1LLETT ROBERTSON This Society consists of past and present Students of the Theological Department other gentlemen interested in its work being eligible as honorary members Its Meetings are held at on the third Monday in every month except January July August and September and at such other times as are appointed by the Committee when papers are read and discussions held on subjects of practical interest in Clerical work An Annual Conference is held early in the Lent Term The affairs of the Society are directed by Committee of twelve five of whom are present Students The expenses are defrayed by an annual subscription of five shillings Students desirous of joining are requested to communicate with The Secretary of the Theological Society through the Hall Porter XXI Students of this Department who hare received Certificates of having passed their final Examination during the past Academical Tear Buckham Frederick Holmes Smith Arthur William Allan Albert Wriothesley Philip Hawkins Francis Henry Albert Mosse Charles Wynne Elphick James Strudwick Wright Alfred Cecil Ferry Henry Edward Hayne Edward Randolph First Class Second Class Third Class
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