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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-648

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INDEX 649 page Library Medical 213 General 435 Logic Evening Class- Lectures 329 Fees 334 Hours of Attendance 336 McCaul Memorial Fund- Endowment 69 Rules 100 Names of Prizemen 101 Manufacturing Art Machinery- Lectures 151 Fees 171 Hours of Attendance 172 Marsden Library 68 Masters of School Names of 375 Materia Medica- Lectures 205 Fees 221 Hours of Attendance 225 Mathematics Gold Medal- Endowment 70 Rules 130 Mathematics MomingClass- Lectures 112 145 Fees 122 171 Hours of Attendance 123 172 Mathematics Evening Class- Lectures 31 Fees 334 Hours of Attendance 336 Matriculated Students- General Rules 80 Mechanics Morning Class See Natural Philosophy Mechanics Evening Class- Lectures 320 Fees 334 Hours of Attendance 336 Medical Department- Professors'Names 198 Hospital Staff 199 Syllabus of Lectures 200 Dean hours of attendance 209 Hospital Committee 210 Operations in Surgery 211 Museums 211 Library 213 Chemical Laboratory 214 Regs respecting Students 215 Prelim Arts Examination 217 Course recommended 218 Fees 220 Sum payable for Course re- quired byCollege Hall 221 Dental Surgery Course 223 pack Medical Department cont -- Free Admission to Lectures 224 Hours of Lectures 225 Hours for Hosp Attendauce 226 Clinical Instruction 226 Associateship Rules for 228 Endowments 229 Scholarships Rules for 244 Class Prizes 248 Clinical Clerks 250 Medical Society 263 Names of Scholars 268 Resident Officers of Hospital 271 Prizemen 272 Names of Students 277 Medical Library- Regulaticns 213 Fees 221 Medical Society 203 Medical Tutor- Instruction 208 Fees 221 Hours of Attendance 225 Medicine Principles&Practiceof- Lectures 205 Fees 220 Hours of Attendance 225 Midwifery- Rules for Students 260 Mineralogy Morning Class- Lectures 161 Fees 171 Hours of Attendance 172 Mineralogy Evening Class- Lectures 326 Fees 334 Hours of Attendance 336 Museums- King George III 186 Anatomy Materia Medica 211 Names of Past and Present Staff 24 Names ofStudents and Pupils- Theological Department 105 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 142 Dep of Engineering 196 Medical Department 277 Evening Classes 372 The School 42S Natural History Society 443 Natural Philosophy- Lectures 114 14 fees 122 171 Hours of Attendance 123 172
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