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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-634

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634 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT XI banner $rt Describe the structure of fibroid tumours of the uteru the symptoms they give rise to and the treatment you would adopt Enumerate the conditions under which the absence "cf menstruation amenorrhcea may occur What arc the principal causes of convulsions in young infants What treatment would you adopt Describe the physical signs and treatment of empyema in children XII Clii'Iliart Lectures on Banking Define the meaning of the words Foreign Exchanges Par of Exchange and Course of Exchange Under what circumstances the Exchanges are said to be be favourable or unfavourable to England In what way does an adverse Exchange act as bounty on exportation What is the par between London and New York and under what circumstances would gold be shipped to New York What has been and is the policy of the Bank of England with respect to the action of the Foreign Exchanges have to pay 000 francs in Paris and find the Exchanges here quoted at 25 12J short Shall buy bill on Paris or order my correspondent there to draw on me the Exchange at Paris on London being quoted at 25 16J friend in Madrid has to remit me Ā£200 and instead of buying Bill on London which he could have purchased at 48 45 he remitted me Bill on Paris which he bought al 04
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