Calendar: 1876-1877 Page 606
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606 ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES in telegraph cable establishing the formula by means of which its distance may be determined 10 Describe experiments which shew that wires conducting electric currents attract each other when the currents are moving in the same direction and repel each other when they move in opposite directions What bearing have these facts on Ampere's theory of magnetism FIRST YEAR Shew how to find the pressure per square inch on plane surface immersed to given depth under fluid Describe tbe cistern barometer and the Magdeburg hemi- spheres and shew how each may be employed to ascertain the pressure of the atmosphere per square inch What effect will an increase of temperature have on the read- ing of barometer supposing the atmospheric pressure to remain constant Define clearly what is meant by specific gravity Is there any difference in specific gravity between lbs of iron and lbs of the same metal piece of iron from railway line weighs 246 ozs in air and 210 czs in water tbe specific gravity of the metal forming the rest of the line was ascertained to be 855 Is there any flaw in the piece examined What is the volume of the piece Describe the construction and action of fire-engine Describe Roy and Ramsden's apparatus for finding the linear expansion of metal bars given quantity of air occupies volume of 000 cubic inches at the temperature 10 find the volume which the air will occupy at 100 supposing tbe pressure to remain constant Define clearly the term specific heat Describe Regnault's apparatus for determining tbe specific heat of solids solid weighing 500 grammes is heated to temperature of 97 and then let drop into 600 grammes of water at temperature of 10 the temperature of the mixture is found to be 15 Find the specific heat of tbe solid first neglecting the heat
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