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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-599

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 599 -English passages for translation into German have been set for the two Divisions respectively also some passages for tlie Junior Division from Lessing's Minna von Barn- helm for translation into English XXV geologn Give tlie names of two formations more ancient than the Gault and of two more modern than the Coal Measures Are the terms Old Red and New Red identical What strata intimate the vicinity of land and the existence of forests and insects Were the sediments of the Trias Lias and Chalk deposited under similar circumstances Explain the meaning of the words Heterocercal ×™×™ and Homocercal when applied to fish Which of the two orders is the oldest In what respect is an ammonite distinguished from nautilus and in what do these differ from an orthoceras What useful substances are found in the Trias of England from what part of the Trias are these obtained Is there any reason why the beds termed Millstone Grit Permian Inferior Oolite Fuller's earth Cornbrash and Coral Rag should bear those titles Add such remarks as may seem to you to be fitting Describe the range of the Jurassic system in England and mention some of the more remarkable fossils with which it is accompanied 10 Draw rough section of the south coast of the Isle of Wight from Blackgang to the chalk of Redclitf bay and state the sequence of the formations and refer to their characteristic fossils XXVI -Ci etm 5tn Give some examples of the action upon organic substances of sulphuric acid both in its concentrated and diluted states
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