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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-596

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

596 general literature and science animal du monde Le merchant tout effravo de ce que devant ses eulz perir voyoit et noyer ses moutons s'efForceoit les em- pescher et retenir de tout son povoir mais c'estoit en vain Touts la hie saultoient dedans la mer et perissoient Rabelais Pantagruel XXIV -etrman Senior Division Translate into English pafjt nur fo lauge bcr tfjut waltcn IScnf ίφ αιφ uieiit cci ait fcin dntlaufcn ffann bcr olbat wo bcffcr auf fit gefct Mc8 παφ $nwi$tt lr at Mc8 'ncn gropcn Sdjnitt llnb bcr cifl bcr im gan$cn 60rp3 tijut Icben 9ici et gcroaltig roie 3Bit1i c3rocbcn 5ίαφ ben untcrilcn 9iei mit 25a tret' ίφ auf mtt betjerjtem δφπίί S5arf iiber bcn SBiirgcr fiifm wa rcitcn SBic bcr gclbf crt itbet bet gitrjlcn &aupt 9Jictn of lag un8 bic altcn rngen Drbiiuugcn cring πίφί aφtcπ ϋΰ 11ίφ ur afcbarf cwicfytc finb'3 bic bcr bcbrditgtc iUicnfdj Sin fcincr ISrdnger Γαίφπι SBillcit banb enn immcr mar bic SLBtllfur ίϋΓφΙαΚφ Set eg bcr Srbnttng ging cr αιιφ bui-φ Stxitllitttil fr iff Fein llmrorg rab' auS gebt beg iMi&ea efit bc5 jianonballe fiirtfctrrlicticr Pfab gtbnell auf bem πdφןןcπ 35 cgc angt er an ϊαφί ΠΦ jcrmalmrnb φ α tun $11 jcrmalincn 2Rci Sofm bic Strajje bie ber Wltitfd bcfdf rt 380rauf bcr egen manbclt bicfc folgt cr gluffc Satif bcr £f alcr faun Λιϋιπίίίπι
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