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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-582

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582 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE major Find point on the ellipse such that the tangent there is equally inclined to the axes 24 Given the co-ordinates of one extremity of diameter to find those of either extremity of the conjugate diameter Prove also CP2 CLI1 AC2 BC CD SP HP 25 Find the equation to the normal at any point of an ellipse Normals at Ρ and the extremities of semi-conjugate diameters meet at find the equation to KG and prove that KC is perpendicular to PD XVI -algebra ant Crtgonomttrt1 Simplify 4- 4a Aa 4a -1- χ 4a χ Solve the equations -y xy xz yz 1-6 χ χ x2 3x lx- 2xi 21 fa 3- 19 ן -f One hand of dial makes revolution in hours the other in hours if they start from the same point when will they be again coincident man sold horse for £96 and gained as much per cent as the horse cost him what was the price of the horse Prove Every fraction the fraction inverted λ ΪΟ jYl yZ
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