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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-557

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 557 Give general sketch of the structure of the hark of Dicotyledonous stem Define the following hud-herb-shrub-tree spine prickle-runner-rhizome-parasite and epiphyte Define the following bract- involucre-spathe-inflor- escence-spike-raceme and umbel Give the essential characters of the following natural orders ranunculaceae-composite-rosaceae and liliaceae Define the following terms emarginate- obcordate spathulate-lanceolate- sagittate hastate-pinnate-palmate -decompound-amplexicaul-phyllode and pitcher Describe the structure of the seed and the process of germination What is meant by the absorption and respiration of plants VI -Zoology What are the characters which distinguish the five main divisions of the Vertebrata Name and briefly describe the appendages of the different body-segments of the Lobster Give an account of the anatomy of common Sea Ane- mone and explain its position in the animal scale Compare the bones which go to form the shoulder girdle in Mammals Birds and Reptiles Wrhat animals are found in Madagascar New Zealand and on the West Coast of Africa whence come the Kangaroo Gn Parrot and Boa Constrictor VI Department of General Ht'terature an& jbcietue -iSrctfe Ctitamtnt Give an outline of the life of St Mark based upon the passages in which he is mentioned in the New Testament
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