Calendar: 1876-1877 Page 546
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546 FREAKE EXHIBITIONS What were the difficulties personal and otherwise which prevented his popularity Were they augmented or diminished as his reign drew towards its close To what causes was Queen Anne indebted for her popularity Into what parties was the nation divided at her accession Give brief description of each and show with what feelings they regarded the Queen 10 By whose counsels was Anne governed in the earlier part of her reign How far in conformity with her supposed political and religious inclinations To what cause is the weakness of the Tory administration under Harley and Bolingbroke at- tributable Ί 11 State briefly the proceedings against Dr Sacheverell and explain the causes of his extraordinary popularity IV Jfreak lEx&tbtttons Michaelmas Term 1875 -Eattn ranSlatton Ecce novie coeunt volucres tinnitibus actse Quaque movent sonitus sera sequuntur apes Colligit errantes et in arbore claudit inani Liber et inventi prasmia mellis habet Ut Satyri lsevisque senex tetigere saporem Quierebant flavos per nemus omne favos Audit in exesa stridorem examinis ulmo Adspicit et ceras dissimulatque senex Utque piger pandi tergo residebat aselli Applicat hunc ulmo corticibusque cavis Constitit ipse super ramoso stipite nixus Atque avide trunco condita mella petit Millia crabonum coeunt et vertice nudo
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