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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-383

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THE SCHOOL 381 Boys in the Matriculation Class can attend the Prac- tical Chemistry Lecture3 the Fee for which is £1 lis 6d per Term It is to he distinctly understood that no boy can present himself for Examination without the written permission of the Head Master who will only give it to those who appear likely to acquit themselves in satisfactory manner Medical and Legal Examinations and Home Civil Service Boys who wish to offer themselves for the Fellow- ship or Membership Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons for the certificates given by the Legal Societies or for the Home Civil Service can be prepared during School hours Permission to be thus prepared must first be obtained from tbe Head Master All boys are expected to supply at their own cost any books which maybe required for these Examinations over and above those provided in the School Commercial Class Special Class has also been formed for the preparation during School hours of boys requiring instruction in Book- keeping and Commercial Arithmetic This Class will be found eminently useful for those intended for Mercantile life and who are of too advanced an age to be placed in one of the ordinary Classes It is directed by Masters specially acquainted with the requirements of those attending it and boys can be efficiently prepared for any Office or Clerkship to which they may obtain nomination Special Subjects Instruction is also given after srhool-hours to boys either in the above Classes or in the School generally who may require additional assistance in any part of their work The terms are- Per Term Any one Language £330 Elementary Composition in any language 111
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